The Future of Sustainability is in the Hands of Entrepreneurs-new

Tourism is World’s largest and fastest growing industry with employment of 260 million people and contribution to 9% of world’s GDP and making Tourism sustainable will go a long way in making whole Sustainable. We must hand over this beautiful earth to coming generation without making any irreparable damages to its environment.

Meaning and Importance

Although ‘Sustainable Tourism’ have more than a hundred definitions, but in general it means an inclusive growth of tourism which can help tourism to keep going in future forever. It is a way of planning tourism, so the world is transferred safely for one generation to another without causing it any irreparable damage.

Tourism is predicted to grow globally and environmental impacts like Carbon Emission from Transportation, pressure on water resources at destinations, carrying capacity etc. all will also come immense pressure due to consumption by the travelling community and infrastructure built to sustain tourism activities. We are trying to find solutions to mitigate negative impacts of tourism at destination and engage tourists in making a positive impact on destinations. We design specific leisure activities according to socio-economic and geographical features of the destinations, so travellers can engage themselves with local communities at destination level in a meaningful and positive manner.

Our comprehensive vision of sustainable tourism envisages in itself its different popular versions like Responsible tourism, Pro-poor tourism, Community based tourism, Eco-tourism etc. It is an umbrella term used to collectively refer to all activities within the tourism that makes positive impacts on human environment without compromising any similar needs of future generations.

Sustainable Tourism India

The need of the hour in India is to design tourism planning strategy that tourism developed so far may last in the longer run and for the generations and generations. As country is having a vast tourism resource practically unexplored, so the possibilities of tourism growth are still high. However, it is crucial to balance Economic, Social and Environmental aspects of tourism to protect interests of all stakeholders including local people or communities, visitors, industry players and the government. Our objective is to foster understanding of sustainable tourism among the planners and other stakeholders. We are addressing major issues and challenges which Indian tourism industry is facing currently in the context of globalization and growing visitor’s demand for a more sustainable range of tourism services and authentic experiences at destinations.

Socio-economic Issues

Apart from industrial sectors, we also five due importance to several socio-economic issues which are integral part of tourism framework. Tourism is a labour intensive industry and tourism experience is provided by a complex combination of service providers working in different socio-economic setting, where they don’t have much stake in planning and policy making. We raise voice of service providers and bring their problems to the notice of major industry players andgovernment and intergovernmental bodies. We are also advocating following issues especially in context of Tourism in India to be a sustainable activity.

  • Gender Issues – Equality by finding opportunities for women suitable in Indian conditions
  • Fair Wedges
  • Animal rights
  • Integrated Environmental Planning in tourism sector
  • Empowerment of local communities through linking with tourism
  • Alternative uses of Tourism resources and Manpower
  • Reduction of Carbon emission from Tourism sector worldwide
  • Human Rights
  • Global health and peace