About Us
17 sustinbale Development Goals (SDGs) to be achived (2019-2030)

We provide Sustainable Tourism solutions to all interested partners concerned with Tourism in India. We have witnessed more than three decades of growth of Tourism sector in India and have come up viable solutions for making Tourism in India a more sustainable industry.
As the global tourism scenario is changing very fast and Sustainability has emerged as a major issue being faced by tourism worldwide, so we have partnered with different organization working in diverse sectors (Environment, Heath, livelihoods, Culture, Human Resources, Finance etc.) to work collectively for bringing sustainability in Tourism sector in the country and beyond. As India is a growing economy and increasingly becoming popular as a cultural , adventure , spiritual and wellness destination , so we are creating effective projects and tie-ups at grass root levels to bring positive changes in different segments of Tourism in India.
Due to essentially international nature of tourism industry, we invite both Indian as well as foreign counterparts to join us in our ongoing drive to excel through promoting activities leading to socially, economically and environmentally Sustainable Tourism in India.
What We Do
Sustainability in tourism depends on all together performance of different stakeholders working together in providing tourism related services at multiple locations. We provide highly customised services to different segments of tourism like Transport, Hotel, Travel Agents, policy makers etc. We aspire to make the tourism industry as a whole at any destination more sustainable in its approach and operation. We provide guidance, trainings, partnerships and branding support to our clients to make them ambassadors of sustainability in tourism.
Sustainable Tourism Network
Adherence to sustainable tourism depends on stakeholder engagement and spirit of innovation. In order to spread the message of sustainability accorss all the segments of tourism we have initiated a network for destination and entrepreneurs as an integral platform for Skill development, collaboration, sharing experience and research. All our Members and Partners are committed to work jointly to promote tourism in the most appropriate manner, so we can reduce its negative impacts and make it a channel of equitable growth of mankind based on efficiency, transparency and sustainability.
The networking initiative was started in the Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017. This is an informal association of tourism stakeholders to work collectively to achieve the Sustainable Development goals. We aspire to support tourism at destinations to progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations. As a sustainable world cannot simply be imagined without a globally sustainable tourism industry. We request all the interested partners to join us to make this network more diverse, friendly and effective.